By fuckedbyahipster - 15/06/2013 16:13 - Finland

Today, I was lectured by a self-professed vegan over my "barbaric" eating habits, in between her scarfing down a tuna fish sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 736
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theninja1800 11

Out of all the types of annoying douchebags in the world, hypocrites are the worst.

Please show her a book to read. It seems that knowledge from reading is become a hipster thing.


Personally, I just don't understand the whole vegan/vegetarian thing. It is indeed cruel how some animals are treated and processed but hey even Jesus ate fish, and from what I understand you can't go wrong following that guy.

CookieLovesBoo 16

Hypocrites. -,- and you can decide what you would like to be your not a child .

This is where the words: "Fish is meat. **** off and die, you ******* hypocrite" come to mind.

I ******* hate these idiot vegans making us humble vegans look bad! They need to get off their high horse, and stick to the rules.

I can tell you're a vegan from your pic... All pale and sick looking... get some protein into you, mmmm red meat. Maybe eat some cheese and have a glass of milk, I'm sure your bones will really appreciate it.

Spinach has more protein per calorie than steak, more iron and calcium too. Red meat is actually mostly fat.

MerrikBarbarian 9

34- If you fish for you own you use a hook right? Ever tried sticking a hook through your lip? Fishing yourself is more ecologically sustainable, but not cruelty free. How cruel it is depends on dispatch method too. If you have enough anatomy knowledge pithing (pick to brain stem) is the most humane. Small scale sustainable fish farms where the fish are herded into a tight space by a wide net, scooped out a.quickly dispatched is the more humane method of getting fish. Oh and the correct term for a "vegetarian" who eats fish is pescatarian. I would know since I am one ;) I eat fish because I'd be in horrible pain without it, so even thought its not perfectly cruelty free, keeping it humane as possible works for me.

Proving Facts! FML Edition! -plant produces oxygen -vegan eats plant -loss of oxygen -dead/dying brain cells -loss of intelligence/death Vegans cause lower IQ's and death;)

Does she not know what vegan means? If she eats fish she's a pescatarian, meaning the only meat she will eat is fish. Throw a dictionary at her. She can look up both vegan and tuna.

That was not a vegan but a vegetarian. Vegetarians can eat fish. There are plenty of them in the sea

actually no. Vegetarians can't eat fish. That's a pescatarian

Vegetarians DO NOT eat fish! Fish are living creatures therefore off limits. Pescetarians eat fish. BIG difference!

So where you from, fish grow on the trees?

pescatarians eat fish...vegetarians do not

Remember, meat is murder but fish is justifiable homicide

Helldemon 32

Remember, meat is murder but meat is justifiable homicide.