By Wellfu - 02/04/2015 14:48 - Europe

Today, I was let go from my internship for "not putting in enough effort". I was working 50 hours a week for almost zero pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 084
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hunthas 17

With that dedication they will be working for you someday! Hope you at least got some experience out of it!


Yeah, sounds like a good "life isn't fair" lesson. Just work your way up to management then you can treat people like shit instead of being treated like it.

Sounds like a fantastic way to stop the "shitty boss" reputation.

Charles900 16

Internships these days are becoming little more than free labor, I'm afraid. It sounded like they just wanted an excuse to get rid of you.

So what did you do for those 50 hours a week? Kudos for your time spent there but being an intern doesn't mean you're following their instructions correctly. Maybe what you think is good work ethics is them seeing you as a burden that's getting in their way? I can't think of any other reason why they wouldn't keep you unless you're messing things up there?

Maybe they just didn't like her. Only other reason I can think of.

Ya, they might not have liked op or her personality was annoying or rude or something. But again, why not tell her that she wasn't a good fit or she didn't mesh well with other people or something?

All it takes for them is to not like you. They don't have to explain. If they don't like you they will find a reason. As messed up as it is. Would be nice if they could explain the reason though.

JMichael 25

Well and apparently these days they don't need a legitimate reason to fire you.

fleaguss 14

Been there, done that. Teen Mania makes you pay to work for them!

Just because you were there doesn't mean you were putting in the effort.

Time does not equal effort. Just cause you show up fifty hours a week doesn't mean you're necessarily putting in effort. I want to give OP the benefit of the doubt, because I know some employers can be assholes, but it is possible they could have a valid point.

A tough but critical lesson for you to learn. In the long run it's their loss not yours. Your drive,character, and work ethic will carry you far in life. You will end up working with an employer that will appreciate you, and compensate you accordingly In a few years, I expect to see an FML from your former boss complaining about the excellent employee that they let go in a moment of bad judgement and still regret having done so

chefnoel22 11

You'll find someone who appreciates your hard work one day! :)

Assuming your hours translates to good quality work, it might not be a problem with you at all. In many places 40 hours is a full time employee. That means you have to get paid the fair legal wage. If your work place didn't want to pay it, they had to find a reason. It sucks, and it's purely a guess, but it's a possible explanation. :/