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By Keira McArthur - 25/12/2018 20:00

Today, my car fob died on me when I was going to get donations because my house burnt down two days ago, FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 761
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cazziuz1983 9

Isn't there typically a key inside the fob? And the ignition button pops out to have a key slot to start the car?

404wan 19

what. this fml is hard to decypher.


404wan 19

what. this fml is hard to decypher.

julfunky 29

OP’s house burned down two days ago. As he/she was about to leave to pick up donations for their plight the key fob died.

julfunky 29

You realize that google is at your fingertips, right? “A Key Fob for a car is a small electronic device that acts as a remote control and provides access to an automobile, without needing a key.” That button thingy that locks/unlocks and can start your car.

Unlock your car with the hidden key blade and then lookup where to put the dead key fob in the owner's manual.

cazziuz1983 9

Isn't there typically a key inside the fob? And the ignition button pops out to have a key slot to start the car?

not my key fob. Mine has a little key that can be removed to open the front driver door. You have to pry off a section of the handle to get to the key hole, but there is no ignition key hole. I did read online that if my fob is dead, I can set it inside the front cup holder and the car will be able to recognize the fob.

cazziuz1983 9

That is interesting, mine has a key blade hidden in side it, the key opens the door, and where the ignition button is pops out allowing you to start the car, can't drive far but it should allow you to get to a dealership if one is close by