By brit - 11/02/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, I was listening to my favorite radio station outta Detroit. A commercial came on for a program that was giving federal grants to people who were going into a trade, like me. Right as I was getting excited I heard the words "brought to you by the government of Canada." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 835
You deserved it 5 623

Same thing different taste


really guys? stop arguing about which is better! Canada or USA? hmm your acting like were arguing if china or brazil is better! were basically the same country! so we live on one big giant island! (yes I know it's a continent I'm not an idiot) we just placed an imaginary line down the middle of it! I'm Canadian and i have nothing against USA. sure they do some dumb things but so do we? chances are your distantly related to a American! ( Canadian for all the Americans!)

HahaYDI 0

I love how a post about a radio ad turned into a "my country is better than yours" argument. You all sound like you're five years old. Be glad that you live in a first world country and shut the Hell up. If you picked up a third world citizen I'm sure they'd be more than happy to be in US or Canada. Aren't our countries supposed to be allies?

Well im from canada been to the states alot and it pisses me off when ppl argue over whose country is better there both nice places to live but in my opinion no matter where you go it's the people that are the problem **** all of you

macairelol 0

how is that an fml? so what, you miss out on a "federal grant"

That is why I'm proud to be Canadian we got the free health care too and tons of oil !

nateym 0

Out with the "American Dream" in with the"Canadian Dream".

Yeaaah!! Go Canada! We Canadians rock! :D

CANADAAAAAA all the way!!! The other day someone from the US asked me if we have cellphones in Canada yet

And they wonder why foreigners think Americans are dumb. Sure, there are many Americans equally smart as the average person... but I feel there are more dumb people.