By brit - 11/02/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, I was listening to my favorite radio station outta Detroit. A commercial came on for a program that was giving federal grants to people who were going into a trade, like me. Right as I was getting excited I heard the words "brought to you by the government of Canada." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 835
You deserved it 5 623

Same thing different taste


Anybody who says that the canada health care system rocks needs to do some reserach: The median wait time in Canada to see a special physician is a little over four weeks with 89.5% waiting less than 3 months. The median wait time for diagnostic services such as MRI and CAT scans [52] is two weeks with 86.4% waiting less than 3 months. The median wait time for surgery is four weeks with 82.2% waiting less than 3 months. Another study by the Commonwealth Fund found that 57% of Canadians reported waiting 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, broadly in line with the current official statistics; 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room. All this is taken from the wikipedia article about Canadian health care. Obviously people who are lazy and feel like having others pay for their own health care should move to Canada but as a hard working American I feel as if I shouldn't have to wait weeks to get treatment if I'm paying for it anyways (through taxes).

Having lived in both Canada and the US, I can honestly say the Canadian health care system is far superior. The longest I have ever waited to see a physician is 30 minutes. Specialists can take longer, and even the emergency room can be an hour or two, its true. But you have no idea how simple healthcare is in our country. Walk in, walk out. No insurance companies taking half your life savings for a simple procedure, getting treatment is nothing. And you can check your stats. America actually pays a significantly higher percentage of health care taxes per capita than Canada. So not only are you paying far more than we are through your taxes, but you have to pay AGAIN when you actually need treatment. Its a stupid system that is in long need of a major remodeling.

I live in the U.S. I've never had to wait more than 5 minutes to see my doctor... The only time I've ever had surgery... I did not wait at all. I've also been to see different specialists with 5-10 minute waits. And no.. I'm not rich. =]

GhoStedar 0

Honestly, you Americans are so self centered all the time. You aren't the only ones in the world. And as for the question of Canada or Detroit; anywhere in Canada is better than Detroit and most of the rest of America.

Because it sometimes takes certain vocal and facial ques to detect sarcasm I'm not sure if your statement was serious or satirizing the other comments made on this board. That said, if you were serious, extreme generalizations are never helpful in any argument. America is hardly a homogeneous mixture of like minded and oblivious people, just like Canada is not comprised entirely of hockey loving mounties. If you were being sarcastic please disregard my former statement and forgive me my mistake.

likeomgwhat 0

you have no idea man, iv lived in wisconsin my whole life i used to be like that about canada and candians and all that because of the media and stupid people...but i took a trip to volunteer in toronto for a week and i didnt want to leave

inspector_javert 0

YDI For living near Canada, just kidding, (I would love to visit Canada someday it seems like a wonderful country) but seriously man count yourself lucky, you don't want to get mixed up with this government, two words "Pay Czar" wait two years then take a government loan. FYL

As much as I hate socialized anything, socialized health care reduces what seems to be one of the main causes of ridiculous health care costs, lawyers. The current system, whatever it is, is way to favorable to lawsuits and ridiculous claims. There's no preventing Doctor from eventually making a mistake, and every time they do the lawyers come crashing in, raising prices for all of us.

I'm sorry I used the wrong "to" in the second line it's supposed to be "too"