By brit - 11/02/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, I was listening to my favorite radio station outta Detroit. A commercial came on for a program that was giving federal grants to people who were going into a trade, like me. Right as I was getting excited I heard the words "brought to you by the government of Canada." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 842
You deserved it 5 626

Same thing different taste


lol I bet your all jealous of me. i live in Michigan and I visit Canada weekly. BTW: this post is turning us Americans and Canadian against eachother. let's be friends and team up against Mexico! yaaaaay!

yay Canada! :D you should probably move here. it is lovely

Dave and Chuck the Freak? That happens all the time with that Windsor/Detroit broadcast. :D It's always sucky for the sales, too.

Oops, sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of all that WIN that lies to the south of your free healthcare. :p

And by the way, that McDonald's riiiight over the border in Windsor is the BEST McDonald's ever!!!

Yeah that sucks. If you need a grant that bad move over to Canada. We wouldn't mind

@ 11 i take offense to that i have familly that lives in both canada and move here during the summer. Last thing i rememeber when am up there yanks is what run ya shit :D i wont lie your pizza is good but your taxes sucks. am not being funny.

-.- ok i wont diss canadians any more since half family there but i dont like how your picking on the US tho in my book scarbrough(toronto,canada) and brooklyn(newyork,USA) is my home.

...Anybody else notice the FML says Detroit, but the info on it says Colorado? -_^

I listen to radio stations located all over the world from my home via the internet, so it's plausible that OP can live in Colorado but listen to radio from Detroit.