By - 29/07/2010 18:28 - United States

Today, I was looking through my boyfriends phone, when I found a naked picture of myself. Too bad I haven't sent him any. Ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 898
You deserved it 14 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

130: You're a jerk. Women have a right to their own damn bodies. If he's creepily taking pictures when she's asleep or something, that is a crazily ridiculous invasion of her privacy. Don't normalize mistreatment of women. Also: Rot in hell. To the people saying "at least it was of you", I refer you to the idea that women have a right to their bodies. If a **** star or someone wants to be giving out naked pictures, that is her right to do so. If you do NOT give consent, IT IS NOT OKAY. I would rather find **** on my boyfriend's phone than something so creepy and objectifying.


stacestaceoox 0

YDI for looking through his phone, nosey much?

sw33th3art 3

lol so it was a naked pic of someone else? lmao im def confused riite now

Reading comprehension: FAIL. OP said very clearly that it was of herself. I think the confusion that arose for you is from the rampant speculation from the other commenters. Either that, or you know that it's YOUR PIC and the OP is confused. Time to 'fess up, homewrecker.

but i thought it was okay as long as you call, "no pedo!" know, just like how guys always say, "no ****."

But you DID let him take one of you with his camera phone? Obvious loophole is obvious.

Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0

thank you ten and if he's cheating on you that's your fault for not being good enough of a girl fe him so go apologize blow him and make him a sammich

losers_inc 0

for all of you complaining that others are "ignorant" for jumping to conclusions.......SHUT UP! FML comments are pretty much always assumptions and conclusions who cares?? also FML stories like this one don't give you enough information to know how OPs bf got the pic and plus it's always fun to think of all the possibilities of how he got the picture OP i don't see why you just don't ask your bf how the picture was there and you might want to consider not being such a prude and just send him a picture oh I got one (maybe two): maybe she got so drunk one night she took the picture and forgot she took it OR OPs bf slipped her some ruffies and took the pics of her or she took them herself but can't seem to remember lmao :)

could have been worse. could have been someone else's pic