By Liz - 27/09/2010 19:30 - United States

By Liz - 27/09/2010 19:30 - United States
By - 29/07/2010 18:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/05/2016 07:32 - United Kingdom
By penguins - 13/11/2010 00:30 - United States
By Panda_bruh96 - 13/08/2021 19:01 - United States - Minneapolis
By Nikki - 02/02/2009 12:56 - United States
By AloneAgainNaturally - 09/09/2016 21:03 - United States - Charlottesville
By unluckylassy - 28/11/2013 00:01 - Ireland
By FMeRight? - 28/12/2015 20:15 - United States - San Francisco
By augustpearl - 09/05/2022 16:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/12/2018 04:00
best. punishment. ever. XD
sexting with your bfs dad... your one naughty floridian.
btw, pics or didnt happen :)
umm my number is 327-786-8890 jk idk if thats a real number ha
stop sending naked pictures of yourself. have more self respect, then maybe daddy-in-law will stop jacking off to your sexts.
Anyone that feels the need to send pics of themselves naked must have severe issues.
why does that count as severe issues? it can be sexy in a committed relationship
sexy every once in awhile. Not all the time.
#14 your pics awsome @op ydi 4 sexting
ydi for bein a ****
WTF 73? How did you know my number?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I agree, never send phone **** ever! Too risky! DTA!
108- im you stalker? O_o maybe...
So you sent your boyfriend dirty pictures and texts, but didn't talk to him or see him in a whole week? Didn't you ask him if he got your sexy stuff? Was the dad replying pretending to be your boyfriend? If so, that is messed up, FYL just for having a creeper like that around, but you still deserve it for not even mentioning it to your boyfriend to see if he got it.
If you're dating someone young enough to be getting their phone taken away from their parents, I assume you're at an age that you shouldn't be sending naked pics.
#176 - there have been a few cases recently where underage people have been charged with distribution of child pornography for sexting each other, so I'm pretty sure it's the government that decides that age.
I would say that they are clearly not in a 'committed relationship' where nakey pics are acceptable, not that I think they are ever acceptable, if she only finds out a week later that that the dad has the phone. Do they not speak or keep in contact any way other than text?
that's fo shoe
Justin beaver. that is gorgeous. I approve.
maybe he didn't mess with the phone when mine gets taken away it gets turned off. y would he be looking at his pic mags from his sons gf
dirty girl
There's a College Humor video about this kind of thing. This is the danger you take in sending those kinds of photos/texts, if you're not prepared to deal with the risk, then you should be more careful about sending stuff.
That's why I use email. ; )
no Cinn isn't going to send you pics ya perv
Joke, thanks for making me seem like a perv though.
Sorry man i couldn't resist that one :)
I want one of u.
omg lighten up, its kinda funny and this girl's not the first and certainly not the last to send those sort of pics. get over it
yeah but ppl shouldn't wine about other ppl seeing them if they're willing to send them.
105- I think he meant you...
Let's talk about sext I guess let's talk about no regrets let's talk about getting flirty and getting dirty with SMS let's talk about sext, let's talk about sext!
Natalie, Lukee was quoting the lyrics from the College Humor song 'Let's talk about sext'.
So anything else you send people is okay to be seen by the world as well then? I doubt it. Just because you don't like the content of the text automatically means anything bad that happens from it is okay to you. How disgusting.
if you and your boyfriend are of the age where one's phone might be taken away, you shouldn't be sexting.
Oh, I'm sure he was!!!
Well said! Sexting is always a bad idea!
my thoughts exactly.
how u doin?
nice set of hooters :)
Nice set of creepers.
LMFAO. Bloons xD
freaking fake but it'd be better if it was on a hotter girl... JUST SaYING!!!!!
9- those are disguisting 60- WIN
Oh, please. As if that's actually "her."
your boobs are awesome! :)
I second that.
ydi (:
if you and your boyfriend are of the age where one's phone might be taken away, you shouldn't be sexting.
best. punishment. ever. XD