By Headphones - 21/07/2009 21:38 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, trying to sleep, when I heard my parents having sex, so I put on my headphones. After listening to music for a good long while, I figured they were done by now, so I took off the headphones just in time to hear them finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 649
You deserved it 5 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, applaud and yell "Encore!"

TheCookieCrumb 0

Just in time for the big finale!


o.O FYL You sir, have earned my respect...

Ya know what... at least your parents are together and love each other enough to still have a sex life after all the years that they've been married and after they've had children. YDI for being bothered by the fact that your parents still love each other. Get over it and realize how your life could be SO much worse if they didn't.

anonymousmouse45 0

At least your parents are in love and active. My parents are too old and fat to have sex. They also fight a lot. But ur parents should at least have the decency to be a little quieter tho.

rosey991 0

I'm AMAZED that this subject "comes up" so often on this site. FCOL! What do you people use for walls? Leave your parents a note. Tell them to leave the radio on. Stuff their mouths with something (ha, whatever). Get a white noise machine. Buy them one for Christmas - or whatever you celebrate. Better yet, maybe they're trying to tell you something. Get a place of your own!

ok everyone who says its good that they are in love and he is complaining too much, needs to shut the **** up. its the worst thing a kid can hear, let alone an adult, when their parents are *******. this is definitely a **** your life. totally feel your pain.

291togo 0

It could be worse. Nothing like listening to your parents finish, followed by mom sitting on the toilet farting all the cum out of her ass.

wow. sounds like you know from personal experience? now for that... i am truely sorry. lol

Haha. It's nice of you to be so cool about your parents having sex. I want a kid like that: "Oh. Here it goes again, headphone time." But yes, FYL.

ErrorUnavailable 0

It's my dad's birthday today and I expected my parents to do the deed. They went to bed two hours ago and I just decided I had to pee. I was heading to the bathroom which right next door to their bedroom. I heard it... they are still going at it. I didn't pee, I'm holding it. It's not pleasant and I sympathize with you.

GiannaxRevenge 0

I am getting really ******* sick of this website. The comments should go through a ******* filter. Nobody cares what you think. I don't think any of you dumbasses looked up from your keyboard to realize they changed the motto from, "My life sucks but I don't give a f***." to "Get the guts to spill the beans." Everyone knows that there are people out there who wanna look cool and give their opinion on everything. Wow. That's what I'm doing now. Do you see what you did you bitches? And OP, be serious with me, did you just **** with the scene from 'The Uninvited'? Come on. Don't tell me I'm the only one who noticed that.