By allgassedout - 04/01/2015 00:23 - United States - Sacramento

Today, I was lying in bed with my girlfriend. Trying to be romantic, I complimented her on how nice her hair smelled. She replied: "Yeah? Wait till you smell this." then let out the vilest, most nauseating fart I'd ever smelled in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 398
You deserved it 7 348

Same thing different taste


LOL, dude that's amazing, I can imagine her dying with laughter at your reaction while thanking you for setting her up to relieve herself. Hope you had a fart to come back with, like in White Chicks during the dinner date. She's a keeper man, she's definitely comfortable just being herself with you man.

Sorry mate but that's actually really funny and I would have done the same thing... :P

You've got a keeper there bud, never lose her.