By Username - 08/10/2010 10:53 - France

Today, I was making my bed, which would normally be a simple task, until I leaned into the wooden foot of my bed, and put my entire body weight on my left nut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 267
You deserved it 10 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Action_Bastard 0

Oh man...pancaking a nut is the worst.

MetalFish 0

dude..... you gotta be careful with those! they aren't like teeth you know, they don't grow back! you only get one set of nuts!


Chsvet2006 3

I like dressing up in ass-less spandex and getting rogered up the bum by bearded men named Richard. But on a relevant note: FYL, dear sir.

these are one of the few times I'm fully thankful to be a woman.

That really sucks man, I can feel your pain... Literally

So, let me say something real quick. First, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD THE MENTAL PICTURE And second, I hope you didn't hear a "pop."

Oooooh hell naw man I'm SOOO sorryy. I can't even take 0.01% of my body weight on my nuts I would die

I once had to go to the hospital because, while playing football in gym class, I fell and crushed them between my legs. I have nightmares to this very day.

Wintermelons 19