By Anonymous - 03/02/2015 18:23 - United States - Cheyenne

Today, I was making out with a girl I've liked for a long time. At one point she stopped kissing me and said, "You kiss like my brother". I sat there dumbstruck as she went back to kissing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 288
You deserved it 2 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments


One thing here is obvious...You gotta stop kissin like her brother.

Epickitty58 29

She kept kissing him so that was a good thing....?

what if she is adopted and it wouldn't be creepy for ger to know well actually thats still creepy but less creepy.. hopefully its just a joke

Did nobody else immediately think of Back to the Future?

let us know if you duck like her brother too

if you guys dont get it, its a reference from back to the future

icepick23 12

She probably just practiced with him out of sheer curiosity when they were younger. It does happen & is probably innocent. If she is still doing that, then RUN!!!