By Anonymous - 03/02/2015 18:23 - United States - Cheyenne

Today, I was making out with a girl I've liked for a long time. At one point she stopped kissing me and said, "You kiss like my brother". I sat there dumbstruck as she went back to kissing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 288
You deserved it 2 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bobsanction 18

Is her name by chance Cersei?

justanotherfmll 4

Something is defiantly wrong here.

Yes, I can see something in your comment that's definitely wrong.

It could have been worse... She could have said you kiss like her grandfather!

Run. Don't look back. Just. *******. Run.

You know what they say, incest is the best

I'm sure she was joking...Maybe OP is a terrible kisser.