By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend. Things got a little hot and I started to pull up my shirt. She screamed and told me to stop because the innocence of her stuffed animals was at stake. We are 18, and she was dead serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 597
You deserved it 4 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming you guys are lesbians? I can't check the gender on FML Mobile, but it seems like it wouldn't matter if a guy took off his shirt. But chicks have boobs. On the other hand, that would be a pretty bad FML if OP is a guy

cookies7504 0


perdix 29

I guess she couldn't bear it. That's a pun, snafu57, you ignorant prick. My joke was a double entendre.

Sounds like you couldnt score in the whorehouse that your GF works at with a $100 bill. Get her drunk & give her anal in front of them.

Put her stuffed animals in sexual positions while she's in the bathroom. Then she won't have to worry about their "innocence" anymore.

xXCrazyPersonXx 0
KaynaBurrows 0
lilmszssy 0

youu deff stole that frum The N commercial

rhy12 0

wow. I feel sorry for you. I'm 14 and I don't even say stupid stuff like that, never have had to.

_CherryBomb_ 0

maybe someday she will grow up....

ditzykayla 0

wow. you life sucks....but this made me laugh...and reminded me of the commercial they used to show on The N of the couple making out in her room...and out of no where she stops and turns all her stuffed animals heads around so they are facing the wall and not time maybe you should do that for your girlfriend.haha.

rachiestarr 0

ydi if you havent dumped her yet!