By Anonymous - 07/03/2014 13:29 - United States - Needles

Today, I was meeting my boyfriend's mom. She was driving us to a theme park that was about 2 hours away. She asked for the address to put into the GPS, so I gave it to her. It turned out to be a farm, an hour away from the park. So much for good first impressions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 252
You deserved it 8 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

InfernoVivo 12

why don't you use the GPS to find her trust again


Usually there are signs at least half an hour away saying "this way for _____ attractions". Would she not have noticed there weren't any?

Don't worry just like us technology isn't perfect. You're boyfriend mother should understand. This makes for a funny story & hopefully y'all had a great time at the park. :)

kewpiesuicide 29

Why the thumbs down on 20? Knott's Berry Farm is the name of an amusement park. I can see how OP could have messed that up!

I voted YDI for relying on GPS. Take a look at a map! This is a big pet peeve of mine.

most maps are not up to date on roads. she should have double checked the address on the gps before leaving.

#25: If they have GPS, they have a map. OP and company should've stopped blindly following the line on the screen, and actually had a look at the picture. #28: That's horseshit; roads don't move around like the stairs in Hogwarts. Furthermore, counties and map publishers both tend to print new maps annually, not to mention the fact that probably every major tourist attraction will have a map of the area on their website. GPS is no replacement for basic navigation skills.

squideth 18

Yeah okay you're so much better than everyone because you don't use GPS. Shut the **** up you pretentious loser, people can use whatever the **** they want.

One day you will look back and laugh. Everyone makes mistakes It could have been a lot worse

Just tell her that u r giving an early Christmas present to the family which will be in 9 months ;) just kidding... Hopefully she will understand it's just a GPS error

What does that have to do with them ending up at a farm?

olpally 32

GPS systems suck. Better off printing out directions instead next time. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Did you get anything from the farm?