By Anonymous - 07/03/2014 13:29 - United States - Needles

Today, I was meeting my boyfriend's mom. She was driving us to a theme park that was about 2 hours away. She asked for the address to put into the GPS, so I gave it to her. It turned out to be a farm, an hour away from the park. So much for good first impressions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 252
You deserved it 8 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

InfernoVivo 12

why don't you use the GPS to find her trust again


You sure she wasn't using apple maps lol

MisterBrooks 1

Maybe next time you won't be so braindead and get the right address.

Be glad it was not 5 first impression didn't go as planned either.

becca9985 34

That, I'm sure, was an honest mistake. While not as far off route as yours was, the one and only time I used Google Maps to get somewhere, I ended up five miles away from where I was supposed to be. Since this was in the time before smartphones with their map apps, I had to call someone to find out where the destination was. Turns out the address I typed into Google Maps was correct; Google Maps just didn't know what the hell it was doing and sent me on a wild goose chase.