By stillshakinggd - 28/11/2012 21:16 - United States

Today, I was mugged at gunpoint by a senior citizen. She now has a lousy $20, and I probably have PTSD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 490
You deserved it 2 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KhaeKhae1 3

Senior citizens...sometimes dangerous,remember to think twice when an old lady asks you to help her cross the street.

Awh, 7, you ruined our chances to make up funny acronyms :(


clynnc19 9

Lol sorry but I laughed thinking about this. Old Lady: *Points gun at OP* "Give me your money punk!" OP: "But all I have is..." Old Lady: "NOW!!" OP: *Throws $20*

I guess taking your tax money for his social security wasn't enough for that greedy bastard.

Times are that tough that the elderly have to resort to armed robbery? Whatever happened to making money the old-fashioned way - prostitution or selling a kidney?

Yeah! How about some good ol' fashioned honest work, Granny?

Kind of difficult to be a prostitute if your ****** is rusted shut.

How the **** you get robbed by a old ass nigga

Sounds like she could be good in...Granny Theft Auto! *shot*

That was a close call she could have invited you over for cookies! Don't worry I personally find old people creepy and crazy

wsdarrah 14

All these jokes and everything, the casualness about PTSD... I have actually been diagnosed with a minor form of PTSD, and people, it sure as hell is not something to joke about.

I have moderate-severe PTSD and I still joke about it  ̄_(ツ)_/ ̄ anything can be funny if it's joked about appropriately

perdix 29

The gun changes everything, doesn't it?