By stillshakinggd - 28/11/2012 21:16 - United States

Today, I was mugged at gunpoint by a senior citizen. She now has a lousy $20, and I probably have PTSD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 490
You deserved it 2 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KhaeKhae1 3

Senior citizens...sometimes dangerous,remember to think twice when an old lady asks you to help her cross the street.

Awh, 7, you ruined our chances to make up funny acronyms :(


joethebiden 8

Please tell me that the gun was something antique as well. Like a deringer or one of those pirate pistols that you have to stuff with powder.

I was robbed by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart. I didn't even see it coming!

Crackheads are living way too long these days...


And least she didn't actually shoot you right?

Therewhenneeded 16 that sucks. =( Was she homeless or something? Hope you contacted the police.

I am sorry but what is PTSD? Oh and, WTF YOU WERE MUGGED BY A SENIOR CITIZEN?!?

september1395 7

Post traumatic stress disorder

september1395 7

This is second FML I've read in which the culprit's actions sound a lot like what Madea would do O.o