By verrine - 19/06/2009 08:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I was mugged on my way to the bus stop. With no money or mobile I started to panic about the exam I had and ran the 3.5 miles to get to there. When I staggered up to the building only 20mins after the exam started, the university staff wouldn't let me sit it as I couldn't prove my identity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 954
You deserved it 3 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, how great would it be if the mugger went and took the test using your ID and purposely failed it just to screw you over even more?


I'm sure you can negotiate your situation with the head office.

why did u go? if u got nothing for exam?

coldplaylive2003 0

Was it the global regents? I took that today it was soo bad

Bullshet 0

Only think I can think of is file a police report. They'll have to let you make up the exam then.

#78: Ever heard of a PAY phone, smart guy? Dialing 911 from one is free. He could also enter a nearby business or residence, and they'll almost certainly let him use their phone. He can also walk right into the police station and report it. I'm 99.9% sure that they won't say, "I'm sorry sir, but you'll have to call us from a cell phone. Buh-bye..."

To all the people chastising him for not calling the police, it wouldn't hurt to read the actual thing before commenting. He said he was left WITH NO MOBILE. Unless, of course, I'm missing something and people can all of a sudden make calls without a phone... But yeah mate. Shit sucks and I can imagine that 3.

Come on, if my local tanning salon can have fingerprint verifier machine, then the highway robbery colleges can! I would set the building on fire!

That sucks man, hope you an get it deferred.

hmmm, I'm in the middle of exams too...we can sit our exams no matter what, but if you don't have University ID you are kept after the exam, and then escorted to an office where you have to establish your identity. That way, you get to sit the exam, but they don't accept it until they know it is you. Then again, my uni just told everyone that if you have swine flu symptoms, you aren't allowed to go to the doctor for a medical certificate, so just email them that you have symptoms (no proof required) and you can sit the exam/s when you are feeling better.....can you see THAT being abused??

What, you think he was out in the barren wilderness? Whatever did people *do* to get help before everybody had a phone surgically attached to their head? :/