By verrine - 19/06/2009 08:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I was mugged on my way to the bus stop. With no money or mobile I started to panic about the exam I had and ran the 3.5 miles to get to there. When I staggered up to the building only 20mins after the exam started, the university staff wouldn't let me sit it as I couldn't prove my identity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 947
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, how great would it be if the mugger went and took the test using your ID and purposely failed it just to screw you over even more?


L0veh8te 0

Yeah, that sucks. FYL... Hope you cancled everything.

worldsanchor 5

*sigh* If you had filed a police report they would have let you take a make up test. Anyway you look at it though this is a FYL, sorry... 

What are the odds? :( I'm sooo sorry that happened to you, that absolutely sucks. FYL for sure, you just had terrible luck. I hope everything eventually worked out for the best!

I know a guy who had long hair. He got it cut the day before finals. One instructor refused to believe that he was who he was, even when shown ID. "You're not (this guy)," the instructor insisted, "I know (this guy) and you are not him. You cannot take his test." ...I don't know how that ended, actually. But the instructor was a pushover so I can't imagine it didn't work out. Anyways, FYL, OP. That sucks.

ozymandias_fml 0

Where do you go to school that a) the professors don't know you, and b) you need to show ID to take a test?

Most large colleges/universities... Mine wasn't even that big and I almost always had to bring ID to exams.

Wow. I guess I'm lucky. I go to the largest university in my state, and I just had to know my student number to put it on the sheet.

In large classes (100+ students) you need an ID to hand in your test at my university. If you sit in the front row every day or talk to the instructors a lot, they recognize you and you don't need to show it.

With a large enough student population, it's easily possible that the profs wouldn't know everyone (especially if they're from a different faculty or something). And even some high schools require photo ID for students to be allowed to write their final exams.

i live in australia and i know our universities are a bit different to american ones and probably those in other countries too, but at my uni (which is fairly small compared to most in australia), we are ALWAYS required to take id to any exam because the staff don't usually know all the students (some may not even know the students in their own classes), and major exams (e.g. finals) are conducted by separate exam supervisors, not by the teaching staff, so obviously they wouldn't know anybody. come to think of it, even in my HSC (final high-school exams) students had to have photo id, because again the tests were conducted by official examiners, not by our teachers... what happened to you sucks but surely you will be able to sit a make-up test. i have had to do this several times for medical reasons and they have always been very helpful about it, so if the staff at your uni are anything like this then it will probably work out fine

That sucks! But y didn't u call the cops to file a report dummy?!? U asked for it when u tried going in for ur exam without identification! I would assume that once u have the police report they'd let u retake it or something!

D: That sounds like something that would happen to me.

Man, I sure hope things turn out for the better for you!