By chilegrande - 01/03/2011 20:59 - United States

Today, I was mugged while on my way to the bookstore. I'd saved up for months to make a mega-purchase of study materials for my major, only for it to be taken away in a few seconds by some lowlife thug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 304
You deserved it 4 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesnt matter what OP coulda or shoulda done, there are a lot of reasons why they were carrying cash instead of having it in a bank or prepaid card the fact of the matter is they had cash and got mugged now they are screwed cause they can't buy the shit they need for school, if it was me i'd be pissed. Those of you that say YDI are asshats

kingtz 6

Next time, roll up your money, put it in a tube and carry the tube in your rectum.


maybe it's a sign that you need to get a different major!

Why so much hate on liberals? I have quite liberal political views, but I don't think it's ok for people to go around committing crimes. The mugger should have gotten help from the government, a charity, etc. so s/he wouldn't have to mug people.

This was supposed to be a reply to post #10.

Exactly! Crime is much lower in Sweden because people get help from the goverment.

Wow, you guys are so sympathetic. OP saved up forever to buy books to make a better future for himself and had his hard earnings ripped away from him and was probably hurt quite badly in the mugging, and you people have the nerve to tell him it's HIS fault for carrying cash? Seriously?! My GOD.

gabbigurrly 0 they have every book and study thing you could possibly need for low prices.

socialism ^ taking from the people who rightfully deserve what they earn and "spreading the wealth" stealing for whatever reason isn't right, dear.

#10 - it doesn't matter if the lowlife has financial problems or not, it doesn't give him the right to mug anyone! Hope this lowlife attacks you next, see if you say the same!!!

debit or credit card and it would have been minimised. I would have sympathy but the OP was careless with their money. if I *must* carry large quantities of cash I split it and hide it. but I try never to pay cash for anything more than lunch, that is why we have plastic and the internet.

So, what you're implying is that you never carry anything more than $50-100 in your wallet? You must live in a bad neighbourhood. FYL!

dudehaha 4

a "mega" purchase lol. and pip pip tata.