By chilegrande - 01/03/2011 20:59 - United States

Today, I was mugged while on my way to the bookstore. I'd saved up for months to make a mega-purchase of study materials for my major, only for it to be taken away in a few seconds by some lowlife thug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 304
You deserved it 4 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesnt matter what OP coulda or shoulda done, there are a lot of reasons why they were carrying cash instead of having it in a bank or prepaid card the fact of the matter is they had cash and got mugged now they are screwed cause they can't buy the shit they need for school, if it was me i'd be pissed. Those of you that say YDI are asshats

kingtz 6

Next time, roll up your money, put it in a tube and carry the tube in your rectum.


MatthewHass50 0

i hate low lifes they can suck on camel toe

um if i saved all that and someone mugged me i wouldn't just give it to them. Almost all muggers are really a bunch of ******* who would run if someone put up a fight.

you are an idiot for walking around with cash, I'll bet you won't make the same mistake again. some lessons are painful so try to learn from this one.

If your CHILE is so GRANDE, why didn't you fight?

ThaSoke 0

That thug just came up on you're ass.

oi thugs aint low lifes all lifes have the same value a thug is someone forced to grow up in the streets non the less that sucks **** ya life son!!

Why did you have that much cash with you? Haven't you heard of checking accounts?

b_rad_fml 4

Cash in the bank, and pay by check... or by debit card. You should never go anywhere near the bookstore with cash!

OhhhMaryy 12

Things get worse before they get better!!!