By nemo518 - 23/12/2010 06:36 - Canada

Today, I was naked on top of my boyfriend looking lovingly into his eyes. He then started to use my boobs as punching bags while singing "Eye of the Tiger". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 154
You deserved it 9 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

So what? Every intimate encounter of your life will not be romantic. If you can't learn to appreciate the playful times, you're going to have serious difficulty hanging on to a boyfriend.

KingDingALing 9

You should do the same thing with his balls, OP.


cbhuntsman 0

Hahahahaha that just made my day!

that's the greatest thing I've ever heard lol

i know someo e who is never getting laid with that attitude lighten up.

Andrea87_fml 3

ask him to wear boxing gloves!

Index_fml 0

hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah my day is made

TylerOMFG 7

Lmfao! This is too funny! He's a keeper OP!

eeanmoryx 0

Haha this my friend is no fml. its amazing.