By Username - 12/01/2010 04:03 - France

Today, I was nervous as hell for my driving test. The instructor told me to drive a straight line in reverse. I forgot to put the car in reverse from drive and drove straight into a parked vehicle. Which happened to be owned by the instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 041
You deserved it 28 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drivers never win and winners never drive.

You know, guys have more expensive insurance rates for a reason, asshole.


This is a repeat - Today, I hit a parked car. It happened to be my driving instructor's car. While he was instructing me, sitting in the passenger seat. I don't think I'll pass. FML

razorp 0

shit happens, buy a motorcycle and try again

oh gosh im sorry. i understand because i have to take my test today, with the freezing rain on the ground

Why do you have to take it today? And why would you (and why would they let you), with freezing rain on the ground? Take it tomorrow or next week. What's the rush?

dudeitsdanny 9

You usually schedule appointments without predicting the weather. And unless the road is extremely hazardous, they still let you take it.

mshafty 0

Just forget about trying the test again and take public transportation. The world doesn't need another failure on the road!

LMFAO OMG THAT SUCCCCCKS i was paralelle parking outside my friends house once and backed in to a parked car checked out my car n the other one they were both fine so i got back in my car n parked father away XD

I'm gonna guess you failed. And for good reason too since you don't know the difference between drive and reverse

danielle_baby 0

hasn't this already been an FML on here before? real creative..

starshine3987 0

Ydi for not putting it in reverse and using bad grammar. What is it. With people. Thinking using excessive periods. And making new sentences. Emphasizes a point? It's just annoying. To read.