By Anonymous - 25/06/2015 18:29 - United States - Newark

Today, I was notified I'm being discharged after 2 weeks because my employers don't have the time to train me at my first real job in 6 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 113
You deserved it 1 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...Can they even do that? Why the hell did they bother hiring anyone then?? Sorry to hear that OP that blows. Hope you can find a new job soon!

Well that stinks. Offer to buy some books and try to learn it yourself?


...Can they even do that? Why the hell did they bother hiring anyone then?? Sorry to hear that OP that blows. Hope you can find a new job soon!

Exactly. That sounds pretty unprofessional...sorry OP.

2nd 20

As 1 said, that seems like a waste of both parties time to hire someone just to let you off.

Well that stinks. Offer to buy some books and try to learn it yourself?

that's the problem with right to work states they can fire you for any reason or none at all

That's harsh, but there's more out there. Keep your head up

Wow that just shows you how unprofessional they really are. Seriously OP, I think you dodged a bullet.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

maybe your boss is looking for you to tell you to keep it up. your doing a good job

I don't think they are worth working for if they are going to do that to you. Good luck to you OP.

Place your resume on job sites, also get in touch with your local hiring agency. They give odd jobs but it's a resume and skill builder! Goodluck OP

How else are you supposed to do your job without training? Hope you find a better job soon