By Lilly - 02/10/2013 12:43 - United States - Conway

Today, I was on a dinner date with a guy I really like. I guess I was on my phone too much because halfway through the date he sent me a text saying how much my half of the bill would be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 681
You deserved it 124 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's incredibly rude of you. You "guess"?! I'd would say that you were. Be a little more polite next time and stash your phone away; the newest twitter updates can wait.

You really like him, huh? You really showed it. YDI


If you liked him so much why were you on your phone?

Wow you're a ******* bomb. I would never even think of having a date with you.

No, no, f*ck his life for wasting his time with you.

KarmaRules4 7

F his life for dating you. Your own fault

I've never been on a date before and I know you shouldn't do that...

Yeah, you must have really liked him if you stayed on your phone that much. What a bitch. Ydi.

Beastninja5268 15

I can try to have compassion for you, but you deserved this. Seriously, you should never be on your phone during a date at all.

If you really like him why the hell were you on your phone?