By Lilly - 02/10/2013 12:43 - United States - Conway

Today, I was on a dinner date with a guy I really like. I guess I was on my phone too much because halfway through the date he sent me a text saying how much my half of the bill would be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 681
You deserved it 124 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's incredibly rude of you. You "guess"?! I'd would say that you were. Be a little more polite next time and stash your phone away; the newest twitter updates can wait.

You really like him, huh? You really showed it. YDI


if I was on a date and they were on the phone I would leave.

lesson to be learned : Dont text and date .

pinchepriscyla 9

That is the exact problem with our generation, people are so worried about social media they forget to be social

If you really liked him , you wouldn't be on your phone at all. .

Ughhh, YDI, YDI, YDI!! I just hate when people won't tear themselves away from their phones, especially in those kind of social situations where there is only one other person there who is expecting to INTERACT with you. That was classy of him to even pay his half of the bill! Oh and YDI

My roommate is like that. Whenever we go out to dinner, for example, he'll always be checking his phone, & when he's not, it's beside him on the table. If we go to a movie, he's ALWAYS checking his phone, & most times he'll actually go out of the theater for a few mins, then come back in. It got so annoying that I told him the next time he does that, I'm just gonna take his phone away for the night. He never did it again. Lol but I completely understand why OP's date did what he did. It's so rude & disrespectful to constantly be on your phone while you're with someone else.

Jesus is you like somebody pay attention to then not your Fu*king phone! This shows me that you only think you like him or are a superficial B*tch. YDI

Heathtastic 10

you "really liked him" but couldn't put your phone down for 2 minutes to talk to him? Wow. you're rude OP. YDI

This one's too much of a layup. I bet it was written by the guy.