By Dave - 27/09/2012 15:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on a plane returning to University, and I decided to shut my eyes. I opened them about 45 minutes later just as the plane landed to find I couldn't move at all. I was in sleep paralysis. The air hostesses had to lift me out of my seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 325
You deserved it 2 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have that all the time, just wait until the monsters start to come while in sleep.

I can't even begin to imagine how awkward that would be.


I can see how it could be a problem, but it's happened to me a few times and it's not too bad if you can convince yourself that you're not in any danger. I don't know though, everyone that said it happens to them gets afraid of it I guess. That sucks OP. Hope it was a one-time thing for you!

It's not a hard concept to understand that he typed this later.

OP decided that he would fall asleep again while trying to move. When he started dreaming, he actually began to live his dream of riding through valhalla on a unicorn named Fredrick but instead, woke up sitting in a lobby somewhere. Upset by this, he decided not to post his dreams, and instead share his paralysis story. tl;dr OP is sad that his dream wan't real and that is the real FML, I think.

@48, i just spit apple juice through my nose. Thanks for that lol.

50- :P you're quite welcome there. hope it doesn't burn too much?

Good thing i picked apple juice instead of soda

Considering my kids nighttime behavior, and the previous comments, this worries me. Sucks OP

skyeyez9 24

I get it often and I noticed for me, it always happened if I am sleeping on my back. It always starts with a loud ringing in my ears.

mariebc123 7

I have sleep paralysis. And I hate it cause it takes about 30 mins for my body to fully wake up, it's scary sometimes

noisebox 1

At least you can get on a plane( and even sleep?). I can't...

bkirby 4

I've never heard of tht. Interesting

rebel_belle1974 5

Did they charge you extra for that?

rosha267 21

This happens to me very often when I am falling asleep or trying to fall asleep. I read that you can control what you see but my mind refuses to see anything that isn't completely terrifying! I'm usually able to force myself out of it after a few minutes but then I'm too afraid to go back too sleep :(