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Painful flight

By creepingjennie - 17/05/2022 18:00

Today, I just finished a seventeen hour flight in economy. I actually managed to fall asleep, until a flight attendant shined her flashlight directly into my bad eye, triggering an excruciating pain response. Why? "I couldn't see your seatbelt." It was fastened, and the seat belt light wasn't even lit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 182
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It looks like the flight attendant was checking if you were dead, then came with a lame excuse when you woke up with a scream. Because no one sleeps this soundly in economy. Ever.

One would think so, but I have trigeminal neuralgia, and wearing a sleep mask actually hurts my face. Since I had to wear a Covid mask, I simply couldn't stand to have anything else touch my face.


Did you call the airline ahead of time and ask about the seatbelt color, so you could wear contrasting colors? I'll bet not. Rookie mistake. Just learn to become a seasoned traveler. You should commit to memory the Seatbelt Color hotlines for all of the major airlines. Pro tip.

That works if you don’t have a blanket covering your lap.

Use a transparent blanket. Happy to help.

A sleep mask would be a good investment for an 18 hr flight or any flight you want some shut eye. Being an eye guy i'm quite surpriseyed.

One would think so, but I have trigeminal neuralgia, and wearing a sleep mask actually hurts my face. Since I had to wear a Covid mask, I simply couldn't stand to have anything else touch my face.

It looks like the flight attendant was checking if you were dead, then came with a lame excuse when you woke up with a scream. Because no one sleeps this soundly in economy. Ever.