By bigryngf - 04/08/2009 22:12 - United States

Today, I was on my couch when my landlord walked in. He asked what I was doing there. I responded with the same question. Apparently my roommate forgot to call me and tell me that our lease ended three days ago. I am now standing in the parking lot with all my belongings, and it is raining. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 321
You deserved it 6 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's how the FMLs are written.... doesn't mean that he is currently sitting outside in the rain right now. He is probably describing the situation when it happened. THINK!

Didn't you notice your roommate had moved out with all his stuff three days ago? And why is your landlord so uncompromising? He just made you move all your stuff out? Is your place in terrible condition or something? This is definitely a YDI.


I agree, your roommate probably had more faith in you as a human being and didn't think it was necessary to tell you that your lease was going to be up soon. YDI!

firstly...your a moron for not checking your lease.... secondly..instead of getting to a computer and writing about this on shud be calling someone so u have a place to crash instead of standing in a parking lot while its raining... YDI

You're using your smartphone in the rain? That's not very bright.

sorry dude, couda happen to anyone, i get preoccupied with other stuff as well

YDI for not keeping track of your own lease... stop going through life expecting other people to do things for you.

BaGu_fml 0

"I am now standing in the parking lot with all my belongings, and it is raining, and my laptop is getting wet while I'm writing this."

Wow, you so very much deserved this one. How are you so thick that you don't know when your lease ends? I don't care if you're not the primary on the lease, but you should have a goddamn clue. Enjoy being homeless for a few days, dumbass!

Lonely4 0

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