By bigryngf - 04/08/2009 22:12 - United States

Today, I was on my couch when my landlord walked in. He asked what I was doing there. I responded with the same question. Apparently my roommate forgot to call me and tell me that our lease ended three days ago. I am now standing in the parking lot with all my belongings, and it is raining. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 321
You deserved it 6 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's how the FMLs are written.... doesn't mean that he is currently sitting outside in the rain right now. He is probably describing the situation when it happened. THINK!

Didn't you notice your roommate had moved out with all his stuff three days ago? And why is your landlord so uncompromising? He just made you move all your stuff out? Is your place in terrible condition or something? This is definitely a YDI.


That sucks. :( But the first thing you decide to do after being kicked out is to stand in the rain and type this on FML?

but you could have some sort of cover. but i think hes lieing becuase if something that bad happened to me, i wouldnt want to type it up on fml dotcom

it seems like if i just got kicked out of my house i wouldn't be worried about telling every one on FML about it immediately. perhaps i would find some shelter or something first.

If your name WAS on the lease then the Landlord has to give you 30 days to Vacate. If it wasn't, and he was paying his roommate, then He's screwed, and the landlord can legally immediately evict him and his belongings.

If you have an apartment you are adult enough to keep track of this stuff yourself. No one is going to hold your hand through life and make sure you keep up. Grow a pair, dust off, and get to being a grown-up.

#26 if he was on the phone he could be in the parking lot. He could however be lying about the raining part to get sympathy.

Hey, three days of free living space. You could do worse.