By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, I was on my way to meet some friends for lunch. As I was parking, one of their cell phones accidentally called mine. As I walked to the restaurant, I listened in as some of my best friends discussed all the things they hate about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 164
You deserved it 5 116

lespaul_fml tells us more.

I posted this FML and just wanted to say that A) I am, in fact, a guy and these are guy friends B) The phone was on the table, not in a pocket. C) one of them literally is my best friend for the past 4 years and D) one of them came over later on that day and we had a long talk about it and mended things up.

Top comments

Something similar happened to me once. My mother took a road trip with some of her friends and her cellphone accidentally called mine. I got to hear all about how her life would have been so much better if she'd never had me. Trust me; it gets better after a while. You're luckier, though: You can easily distance yourself from those so-called "friends."


Zombie_ADD 0
blland 0

#6: yes. paint shops. going to shop for sodium cyanide too?

wickedsick 0

everybody talks shit bout everybody. sad&pathetic, but true.

mehwhateverr 0

I know it hurts, but it's good that you know this now before they could betray you. Dump them. Find good friends.

I don't think it was random, I think it was fate. If it was real, and they really hate you, move on. You should be able to tell.

who cares? My friends tell me what they hate about me to my face and I'm a better person for it.

schadenfreudeFTW 0

friends bitch about eachother all the time. i'd say it's nothing to worry about.

you could always get better friends, preferably the cool ones lol, then "accidently" call one of them and talk about how dumb they are and whatnot. and then when they wanna hang with you, just be like... umm i'm busy sorry..*coughs* loser *cough cough*

My ex-boyfriend's phone called me from his pocket at work once. I got to listen as my EX-boyfriend complained about our sex life! Yay!