By Arrgh - 27/05/2009 07:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on webcam with someone and the conversation died so I said "brb". I sat there for five minutes not realising I had left my webcam on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 934
You deserved it 79 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mata_Hari 0

Idiot. -(Edit, and they didn't say anything during those five minutes?...)


Lmao would've been way funnier if you were like "And I started picking my nose and farting without realizing my camera was still on" ... yeah.

shiie 0

Yes, I'm sure your life is absolutely ****** now. God, with these lame mildly embarrassing FMLs these days, I'm just so close to not visiting ever again.

sama_fml 0

why exactly is that an FML? it's just a display of how someone can be so desperate as to say brb when they have nothing left to say.

could have been worse... what if you decided to do something, in those 5minutes ..if you know what i mean ;)

Just say you were replying to an important e-mail.

hahayou12345 0

I hate these stories of people bitching about their own stupidity.

you could have used it as a brb like you couldn't talk to the person because you had to look at some website/watch some ****