By anonymous - 27/11/2009 09:20 - United States

Today, I was opening up to my close friend about my low self esteem. To make me feel better, he told me that he gets a boner whenever he walks behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 337
You deserved it 7 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jw90 18

he's trying to raise your self esteem by letting you know you raise his self esteem :).

qwerty581 0

well that's not a fml in my eye


perdix 29

Then maybe you'd better really open up and let him put his boner in you. Someone's self-esteem has to go up.

epic!!! surely you feel better now lol!

ericalew_xo 0

Sounds like you need to bang him. It would deffinetely be a self esteem boost for both of you.

Yeah, just bang the first guy that gave you a "sweet" compliment.

Let us see a pic, maybe you can have a collection of boners.

fringle 0

It's an fml because she's only hot looking from the back but her front is not.

blah123blah 0

That isn't to bad, my friend says he gets a boner when he sees me... I'm a guy.

heyitsbrii 0

haha you must be pretty sexxy

Lmao! for blah123. did that raise your self esteem?