By ThePidgeon - 19/10/2009 18:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I was ordering food at McDonald's when a condom fell out and onto the counter. The server looked at me funny before my friend turned around and said, "It's okay, he's never going to use it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 215
You deserved it 7 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming it fell out of your wallet. YDI for that. A wallet is a terrible place to keep condoms.

sanem0808238036 0

FYL ....looks like life already ****** you with that condom


i got to "Today i was ordering food at McDonalds" and YDI'd it immediately.

Server only looked at you funny because not many people know that putting condoms in your McDonald's food actually makes it taste better and be nutritionally better for you than without any.

Have you ever heard of a joke? Maybe your friend was trying to lighten up the mood. As a doctor I am just going to write you a prescription to grow a pair.

hate_my_life29 0

i didnt think gay people needed to use condoms?

jackson7787 0

Wow... Because condoms do nothing more than prevent pregnancy. /sarcasm I'm just gonna take a leap and say you got AOSE. That or you're like... 10

YDI for carrying it in your wallet, going to McDonalds, and being so sensitive when your friend makes a harmless funny joke. Obviously he was joking, or he isn't really your friend.

Wow you must be a reet boring **** if you can't take that joke.

xxniki 0