By frankie034 - 06/05/2009 07:40 - Australia

Today, I was ordering some clothes from Abercrombie online and I went to measure my bust to check what size I am in American. I got my measurement, checked what size it would be and the size of my bust was not even listed on the website. Great. Now even Abercrombie thinks I have small tits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 656
You deserved it 9 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you'll still fit in their shirts. I have the exact opposite problem


CoutureGirl 0

Go to abercrombie kids. A lot of people do that because its cheaper too. You can just order a large or something.

You didn't add 5 inches to your measurement in order to get your proper bust size. So as much as I'd love not to be mean, it was a mistake on your part, and you have measured wrong.

blapimp182 0

That literally just happened to me but on a different website!! It totally sucks :(

its really all about your proportions. technically i'm not that big compared to other girls, but because of my small waist line, they don't seem as small. at least i don't think they do.... = ) (I'm not bragging i sware. I'm definetely on the smaller side = ) It's really not that bad. Just go with the closest shirt size =)

Absolute_Zero 0

Way to go, #130!!! I feel your pain - I'm 5'9" and a 34D. I can't find ANYTHING that fits right...

seriously? are you like -a? because a&f is like super small as it is.

#114, I've never gotten my clothes tailored, and they fit just as well as I think they do. I never said everything was perfectly skin tight, but then again, I never said it needed to be. A large portion of my clothes are tight, but not all of them. Honestly, it's not that hard to find clothes that fit perfectly, even with a dramatic size difference between waist and chest. Just because it seems like it would be difficult, doesn't mean it actually is. Also, with the tailoring, I said I wouldn't spend $60 on a label. I wouldn't spend more than that to tailor my clothes. If I can't buy it in the right size, where it fits perfectly, I don't buy it. It's as simple as that. Plus, if you really shopped in Hot Topic, you would know that most of their clothes actually cater to a large chest and a small waist. J. C. Penny's and Macy's have such a large selection of clothes, that all it requires to find something is patience.

acidstorage 0

Ugh. Clothes are such a pain. D; mine either fit right in the chest or the waist, never both. I have pretty average size chest, 34C, but then my waist is several inches smaller. I dunno. I look like I have implants or something. I don't, but people probably think I do. Hey, at least you don't have to deal with people talking directly to your boobs.

fadedmoon 0

haha Abercrombie sucks. And I was just wondering.... the original poster's user name is Frankie?

clumsybumsy42 0