By frankie034 - 06/05/2009 07:40 - Australia

Today, I was ordering some clothes from Abercrombie online and I went to measure my bust to check what size I am in American. I got my measurement, checked what size it would be and the size of my bust was not even listed on the website. Great. Now even Abercrombie thinks I have small tits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 656
You deserved it 9 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you'll still fit in their shirts. I have the exact opposite problem


I have the exact opposite problem. My doctor told me I have an "I-cup", although I think it's really only an H, and he was hitting on me...

califormula 0

not just ambercrombie; america

yeahiknow0 0

The lady at abercrombie called me a bitch for trying to many clothes on. I don't go there anymore!

sheepseal 0

ydi for buying abercrombie!

maryburnsgreen 0

hahahah! you have what we call mosquito bites x) no **** xD

soccerchild91 2

I'm a tiny girl n all areas ad finding clothes that fit me is hard. shirts are almost always to big and don't look rite on me and pants r to long or way to short for my waist size. I think we've gotten stuck in the world of "u must be of these sizes to dress comfortable".