By frankie034 - 06/05/2009 07:40 - Australia

Today, I was ordering some clothes from Abercrombie online and I went to measure my bust to check what size I am in American. I got my measurement, checked what size it would be and the size of my bust was not even listed on the website. Great. Now even Abercrombie thinks I have small tits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 652
You deserved it 9 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you'll still fit in their shirts. I have the exact opposite problem


I have small boobs, I'm an 36A now, I was a 34AA until I was 20. I have never had problems finding clothes. I'm a UK 10/12 (US 6/8) depending on the shop. Even when I was a AA I was still a 10, maybe 8. Bearing in mind that there now exists a size 00 I doubt you could be too small.

Having a small bust isn't a bad thing. I get picked on for it though. I'm not flat chested, but I'm pretty small. Although I'm five feet tall too, so I guess it's proportionate... Anyway, don't sweat it. There's probably a guy out there who couldn't care less about how big, or small, your boobs are. It's weird. I hate that brand along with anything similar to it (American Eagle, Aeopostale, etc....).

... How would they be able to know that you have small **** anyways?

i can't even shop at A&F there cloths are too small, ether that or i am too tall...

pumpkincakes 3

uk and american bra sizes are the same... thats if your from the uk

abcdefgh_fml 0

they don't think you have small ****, you do have small ****.

embarrassedd8876 0

you probably used the wrong unit of measurement.

vers_fml 0

somebody needs to stop approving these lame FMLs! Im tired of hearing about some stupid, flippant little problems from shallow teens.