By Anonymous - 24/12/2011 02:49 - Australia

Today, I was out clubbing, when some bloke at the bar started trying to pick fights with everyone. Trying to defuse the situation with humour, I said, "I used to be a tough guy like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee." The next thing I know, I have a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 151
You deserved it 41 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I used to tell people took an arrow to the knee, but then I took a fist to the nose." - OP

I used to hate that quote, but I took a Skyrim to the addiction section of my brain.


I used to stand up to guys like him too, bit then I took an arrow to the knee.

And then someone took your sweetroll?.. :(

gonasha 0
hellbilly205 17

Hash tags are just as bad as "i took an arrow to the knee" meme's you must be new to FML.

I thought I also heard it in New Vegas

BearBear1213 0

Op used to be funny, but then he took a knuckle to the nose.

You used to take an arrow to the knee, then you got a fist to the face.

Never mess with a violent situation. Remember the FML about the guy who saw a fight, went "right!" and "marched over to break it up?" then got hit in the "happy sacks?"

I used to be a giant memefaggot like you, but then I turned 12.

Lol Skyrim quote at a club. What were you thinking?

Loser!! No one uses humour tactics when there is a drunk person in the building!!