By bet a woman would've been thanked - 07/05/2013 20:21 - United Kingdom - Redditch

Today, I was out jogging, when I saw a girl fall off her bike and start crying. I ran over to see if she was hurt. Apparently her neighbour thought I was trying to kidnap her, because he ran out with a baseball bat and threatened to beat me to death if I didn't get lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 125
You deserved it 3 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BlinkandRHCP 7

Awkward situation, but at least both of you only wanted to help the girl! Kudos to both!

I love it when the OP's name is something snarky like that.


You did good op, but it would be nice if people asked questions first before going off the deep end. But its nice to know we still have good semaritans like yourself.

Well at least you both were helping the girl out hopefully you worked it out with each other

I would have broke that bat over his head...

the neighbor needs to get his facts straight, but no harm no foul right? I'm curious if he thanked you afterwords or did you just jog away.

i hate when you can't do a good deed without people assuming the worst fyl

perdix 29

Who has a baseball bat in England? I thought you guys ridiculed our national pasttime. You guys have to admit, some of the equipment make handy weapons.

Trisha_aus 15

A cricket bat works well too

Wizzlbang 10
perdix 29

#28, when I've seen cricketers try baseball, they use an upside-down grip and get very little power. If the OP is a pedophile, he might be relieved to see his nemesis using an impotent grip.

I never see people play baseball in parks or anything in Britain, so I reckon perdix hit the nail in the head here in that bats are generally owned as weapons... Better than guns though...

I think baseball bats and rounders bats are the same :P

I believe the Canadians have the best sports weapon, the hockey stick. It has less wind resistance and much more reach

SynysterNero 20

I'd love to see OP grab the bat and beat that asshole with it.

I'm sure if you quickly explain the situation he won't hit you that hard.