By awkward - 26/09/2016 21:31 - United States - Oakland

Today, I was out to dinner with a friend I had a crush on. The whole time, he was flirting with the waitress while I was trying to get him to notice me. When we got the check, he looked at her and said, "She's not my girlfriend, I only go out with pretty girls. So, can I have your number?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 024
You deserved it 1 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of friend so blatantly puts you down like that? Not cool

I don't know why would you go out with an asshole like him, or even call him your friend, let alone having a crush on him.


Not only was he shitty to you, he was shitty to the waitress. You don't do that to someone who is forced to be nice to you. **** him.

pussy_crusher 7

Nope! The good news here is he was just a crush. A friend wouldn't talk to you like that. Ditch the jackass and find someone worth spending time with. I can't tell you how many guys (and girls) called me ugly and made me feel worthless over the years. While it hurt a lot at the time, it doesn't anymore because I'm now engaged to the most wonderful person and have good friends who care about and respect me. Go for that and don't settle, no matter how long it takes.

leo1106 15

Your crush is kind of a douche nozzle, OP. I never call any of my female friends ugly, especially not to try and get another girl's number. Definitely better off without him.

Wow, he's clearly an asshole. Not even a friend who has no romantic feelings for you should be saying something like that. Friend-dump him. He doesn't deserve a friend like you.

I hope he is your ex friend and you don't hang out with him anymore. He's not a friend when he insulted you in front of the waitress.

Should have screamed but what about our baby and ran out while sticking him with the check...

Every now and then, I stumble across a comment I wish I could thumbs up more than once....

What a friend ! Where can I get me one of those ?

I heard you! I lived a situation like this, it wasn't my friend, nor I had a crush, but his comment still hurts. He and one of the bosses were looking at some chick's resume, that apparently had a picture. Besides all the things they said that were totally out of place, he said "we should hire her, we need at least one pretty woman in this company". We were two women in that office in that moment, and yet he said that as if we didn't exist or as if we were males. I still remember how that hurt the moment it happended and the whole day long, I can't even imagine how would I have felt if I have had a crush on him. No body has the right to make anyone feel like that by saying something like that, nor in joke, nor with flirting purposes.

mcruff 12

So for once the girl realized he was an asshole BEFORE they dated

Well he can absolutely **** right off, you deserve so much better.