By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 20:22 - United States

Today, I was out walking my dog. A cute woman said, "Nice dog!" Without thinking, I replied, "You too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 291
You deserved it 44 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet she didn't have a dog, did she...

BitterJaded 0

If you think your life is ****** because of I'll trade you lives.


Have you by chance listened to Brian Regan's stand up act? "Don't know when to use the 'you too phrase.'

LMAO. Whenever someone says happy b-day to me, I almost always automatically reply "you too"

Haha, I hope you explained yourself afterward. Or did she look horrified at you and slap you across the face?

OHMYGOD. i'm living in ireland so i dont really understand anyone. and a teacher comes up to me and says "hey i havent met you before... how are ye?" and im like, "yuh good thanks! :)" and shes like, "and whats your name?" and im like, "good thanks.......:|.........i" it was so awkwardly embarassing. she actually just walked off, hahaha.

yeah i was golfing and i got a gatorade from the beer cart lady and she said "enjoy your round" and i said "thanks you too" and felt like a dumbass

CassandraBear93 0

ha I've done that before, also on my birthday, sometimes when people say "happy birthday" I smartly reply "you too"

onfire916 0

Stop whining, this isn't an FML. Boo hoo, u embarrassed urself cuz ur a dumbass.

haha Brian regan is a god. this is one of his famous jokes hahaha