Mistaken identity

By thedogwalker - 09/08/2020 08:02

Today, I was out walking my dog, when a lady called out to me asking, “Is that a boy or a girl?” Assuming she meant the dog, I told her that he was a boy. When I turned away, I heard her say to her kid, “I was talking about the person walking the dog, but whatever,” then audibly laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 501
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

to which I would've responded gee I was wondering the same thing about you and also what breed of dog you have with you

Wow. She just won role model of the year for that kid.


to which I would've responded gee I was wondering the same thing about you and also what breed of dog you have with you

MrDirtbag 1

being laughed at can suck dress to skimpy on a hot night and your **** no winning. there's a reason for everything

samomaha 17

"Gee lady, I was wondering if you're stupid, rude, or a b*tch? Oh wait, turns out you're all three!"

Wow. She just won role model of the year for that kid.