By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 20:22 - United States

Today, I was out walking my dog. A cute woman said, "Nice dog!" Without thinking, I replied, "You too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 291
You deserved it 44 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet she didn't have a dog, did she...

BitterJaded 0

If you think your life is ****** because of I'll trade you lives.


I understand your problem, impulsively I say you too to after a person makes a remark such as the one you had. I think on accident, I may have said "you too" to a person who I was speaking with who was helping me find work whose line of work was to assist people with finding employment. I believe the conversation went similar to this. Her: Good luck find work, I hope it all works out Me: You too.. lol, we live and we learn from our mistakes. It doesn't hurt to laugh at ourselves every ones in a while either. :D

Hahahhaha, I do this ALL the time. Like I'll be at a restaurant and she waiter/waitress will be like, "Enjoy your meal!" Then I'll be like, "You too!" Ohh man :P

wrift 0

ugh i always do that when ppl say gl

that_guy321 2

Look up "involuntary 'you too'" on urbandictionary. I do it all the time.

bound4broadway28 0

Aww, that sucks. It's okay though because it happens to everyone its just the brains immediate response when someone compliments you to say it back. I've done it tons of times. great fml

It's okay, I work at a movie theatre, and I can't tell you how many times people have responded "You too!" after I've said "Enjoy your movie!" Nothing to be embarrassed about.

ashleyy_fml 0

My life story, hahahahah. I do that ALL the time. #114, true statement, hahaha

Hah, that's funny. I do that all the time. At a restaurant, the waitress said "Enjoy your meal", and I've responded with "You too" ... It's pretty embarassing but not FML worthy.