By ohshit - 29/03/2011 00:31 - Canada

Today, I was painting my bedroom walls, when I was struck with an uncontrollable bout of diarrhea. I had to watch helplessly from the en-suite bathroom as my 2 year old daughter painted a lovely picture for me, all over my new $500 sofa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 313
You deserved it 8 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jen993 0

and you couldn't yell out to stop ?!?!

ahhh Poocasso strikes again!! paints while you helplessly sit on the toilet taking a dump.


I would of shit my pants and kept painting if I knew would happen

LOL shattered ): she got a D in art swell ;)

This proves poor people have dumb kids. 500 dollar couch, what's it made out of twigs and burlap?

At least your daughter was being thoughtful!? :P

bent80 0

YDI for not teaching your kid to stop what they're doing when you tell them no. Great parenting...not!

In most cases, ruined pants > ruined sofa.

I hope you rubbed her face in your diarrea