By julie24 - 30/05/2014 02:30 - France

Today, I was partying with friends. At around midnight, I sent a text message to my friend to reassure her, saying that of course I could handle my drink. That's the last thing I can remember about the evening. It's a total blank from that point onwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 245
You deserved it 393

Top comments

so, maybe you couldn't handle your liquor. it happens.

Well I'd say that as long as you didn't wake up in a trashed room with a tiger in the bathroom and missing one of your friends you should be fine. I'd try to be aware of your limitations next time though.


Hey now , I can still drink and have fun, but it's not only from near alcohol poisoning that you black out , I can drink and then not have drinks for a while and smoke weed and blackout.

I thought you were going to say that you meant to type "I can totally handle my drink" but it corrected it to "I can totally handle my dick"

This is why I don't drink anymore. That and I turn into a raging violent asshole. Sorry you had to experience this op. Hopefully next time you drink you can remember everything the next day.

Sounds like your still in the little boys league for drinking bud. Better luck next time.

RedPillSucks 31

OP is most likely female. And drinking isn't some adolescent macho competition.

rocker_chick23 27

Going by the OP's username Julie24, OP is a girl and getting drunkisn't some stupid game or competition

dave20012 15

I hope you were okay nothing bad happened to you.! Like alcohol poisoning or worse

mastodonkcid 5

as long as you dont feel anything dripping down your leg you're good!

So what's the first thing you remember?

You deserved it, because you said you don't remember anything else, that's what happens when you drink too much you start to go drunk and you don't remember anything after, if you know what i mean

please, you simply blacked out. happens to the best of us when we drink. I knew a house of girls who kept track of blackouts and saw it as success. overall, nothing to worry about. especially for all these ppl jumping to rape conclusions. people do blackout and make it home fine. part of plenty of people's college experience