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By julie24 - 30/05/2014 02:30 - France

Today, I was partying with friends. At around midnight, I sent a text message to my friend to reassure her, saying that of course I could handle my drink. That's the last thing I can remember about the evening. It's a total blank from that point onwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 246
You deserved it 393

Top comments

so, maybe you couldn't handle your liquor. it happens.

Well I'd say that as long as you didn't wake up in a trashed room with a tiger in the bathroom and missing one of your friends you should be fine. I'd try to be aware of your limitations next time though.


so, maybe you couldn't handle your liquor. it happens.

I'd like to know how much she had. She could have been slipped something. Not enough info to be sure.

Hope nothin bad happen when your mind was gone

llamaslikesoda 21

#43 OP probably didn't miss much, all that happened was OP was swearing at the bartender saying "WHERES RACHEL?"

RedPillSucks 31

or she could have been raped

#62 it depends on where she woke up, or came to. It needs a follow up to be sure.

Demig0d6 14

Hopefully op didn't wake up naked on a bed

How is that an FML? You had a fun night out and didn't die or get hurt, I'd say that's a plus haha

If you can't handle your liquer then you better not drink

I think you're a little judgemental. It's very easy to have 'one too many'..

AnOriginalName 19

And the tough part is, it's very difficult to know how much is too much until you've already had too much. Everything can be going great, and then that last drink suddenly hits you and the night is a bust.

You've gotta be dumb at least once to know your limit.

kewpiesuicide 29

My limit seems to vary a lot depending on the last time I drank (if it was 2 months ago, I'm probably going to get wasted on 3 drinks), how much I ate, the type of my limit can be 3-5 which can make a big difference if I misjudge.

llamaslikesoda 21

#5, you've gotta learn from your mistakes my friend. Hopefully OP learns from this one.

From this fml it seems as though OP's friend know they cant handle drinking and thats why OP had to reassure her friend. But it is possible that OP didnt think "one more drink" would do anything. Or perhaps they tried a new drink

#10 - Gauging from the fact that the OP has to call her friend to reassure her that she's ok, I'm going by what appears to be fact that she is NOT able to handle her alcohol. My only hope is that nothing negative happened to her, (aside from a killer hangover to remind her not to do it again.)

If you can't spell liquor then you shouldn't be drinking it either

Female friends (and i may or may not assume some male) often look out for each other because there are very often predatory people at parties waiting to take advantage (rape) of girls who have had too much to drink, by slipping them drugs, or following them home. Keeping up with friends to this extent is usually the reason behind it.

Isn't that usually what happens at parties? Black outs and embarrassing videos?

JMichael 25

And they end up all over the internet. Then you're forever known as the person who got blitzed off their ass and ****** a goat while singing "Free Bird"

llamaslikesoda 21

#44 I hope you aren't speaking from experience.

pjsmamasan 10

that's what I was thinking, too. this doesn't seem so unusual haha

Well I'd say that as long as you didn't wake up in a trashed room with a tiger in the bathroom and missing one of your friends you should be fine. I'd try to be aware of your limitations next time though.

That doesn't even make sense.. Did you even, no.. Just no.

Sounds more like OP got handled by the liquor! But hey, it happens... You didn't happen to notice a tiger in your bathroom now did you? :p

I think the people on here saying OP deserved it are wrong! I don't think it's an FYL either. I bet it was an awesome night and I hope you have pictures and embarrassing stories to tell!

this is OPs way of saying her drink got spiked.

Oh yeah, drinking to the point of blacking out is awesome. It can lead to you being awesomely raped or to you awesomely killing someone with your car. I hope someone gets awesome pictures of something awesome like that.

69 "I agree your life sucks" ...-w- oh yea, YDI