By djoe - 28/10/2010 12:00 - Australia

Today, I was patting my kitten who was asleep underneath the blanket on my lap. My roommate walked in and gave me disgusted look. She thought I was playing with myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 888
You deserved it 6 323

Same thing different taste


i wonder how many more people are going make a joke involving the word pussy

sweetcheeksjvl 0

what does a pussy say when it gets hurt...meOWWWW

maryjaneslover7 0

cuz he was really beating his meat the cat swallows

way to easy... really nice setup though.

YourWetDream 0

You shoulda yelled "it's natural and everyone has one! Why can't I pet mine?" haha then it still sounds like your playing with yourself but you would be funny

u were petting ur pussy under a blanket! what did u expect?

I don't see how this is an fml I'm still laughing its funny

perdix 29

When you take advantage of a kitten's natural affinity for eating tuna, it deserves petting. You're definitely a weirdo if you like the kitty's sandpaper tongue "down there."

i was sitting on the couch with company over and our piglet walked up. i stood up and showed everbody how big my hog was getting.