By djoe - 28/10/2010 12:00 - Australia

Today, I was patting my kitten who was asleep underneath the blanket on my lap. My roommate walked in and gave me disgusted look. She thought I was playing with myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 901
You deserved it 6 323

Same thing different taste


Battledog5006 0

Just be glad you dont have a pet beaver op! haha

DatingScaresMe 2

lol Epic Win. Until I read your comment I was going to write "well, to be fair, you WERE playing with your pussy."

"What? I was just petting my pussy!" *More disgusted looks from roommate*

Epic_Phale615 0

she should have said that, i love screwing with peoples minds. Just remember to tell them you were kidding before they go around saying shit ;)

I call bullshit. You just 'happened' to have the 'kitten' fully covered so it couldn't be seen. Sounds like a setup from "Are You Being Served."

mcunningham 0

Maybe your roommate wanted to play with your pussy

Epic_Phale615 0

we know its hairy, but calling "it" kitten doesn't help your case.

Don't lie I know you were playing with yourself