By oldschool - 23/01/2010 02:10 - United States

Today, I was picking up my little sister from school and while waiting I decided to have a smoke. I was caught and was told to go to the principal's office. I'm 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 403
You deserved it 28 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inb4 "YDI for smoking" Don't be douchecocks about the OP's lifestyle choice(s), people. That said, I'm pretty sure schools have "NO SMOKING" signs everywhere.

lexie206 0

YDI for smoking on school property.


supmofukka 0

well u shouldnt be smokin at a school douche. kids are present, u ever heard of second-hand smoke?? and fyi my schools had no smoking signs all over the campus.

What you kill your lungs with is not my problem, but YDI for smoking on school grounds. Nowadays that's illegal in a lot of places. Even if it's just school policy, you should've at least tried to respect it.

YDI for smoking on school grounds. That was just stupid.

OP: You should have gone to the principle's office and she would have realized you weren't a student there. Then you could have gone on IMMD and said, "Today, I was picking up my little sister from school and while waiting I decided to have a smoke. I was caught and was told to go to the principal's office. I'm 23. IMMD."

Punkartmama 0

Schools are "drug free zones." You are lucky that they didn't call the police. Grow up, it's ******* gross anyway.

boatkicker 4

In some states it'll illegal to smoke on any school grounds, and in the states where it's not, just about every school has that policy anyways. For that reason alone, I'm going to say YDI.

xlostwithoutu 0

YDI for smoking, especially on school grounds. Smoking is absoloutley disgusting.

wow. just because you guys don't smoke doesn't mean it's his fault because he smokes. you people are idiots. it's ok for pg movies to have people smoking but god forbid they did it in real life. hypocrites. and the school has no legal right to send him to the principals office.

all of your comments look like you watch too many of those stupid truth commercials. ever had a cigarette after sex? amazing.

Fminetoo 0

#71, i absooo-*******-lutely Agree with you!!!!